Fertility clinics perform critical functions that need well-designed software solutions to enable quality patient care, simplify the process of clinical delivery, increase staff productivity, and provide real-time availability of patient information.
IVF Software Solution by Intelics is a digital tool used for medical professionals and experts to manage their fertility clinics with ease while ensuring optimal use of their resources. The workflows and comprehensive documentation help doctors and other staff to maintain quality standards and follow treatment regimens while ensuring successful patient outcomes. The IVF Software offers an easy to use, end-to-end platform for managing Surrogacy Clinics, Gamete Bank, IVF and Fertility Clinics.
The IVF Software enables streamlined operations while enhancing the administration and control. It enables the healthcare staff to provide superior patient care, reduces operational costs, and improves profitability.
Patient Registration, Camp Registration, Schedule Appointment, Consent Form, Patient Profile, Reports
Patient Screening, Nursing, Pregnancy, Package Tracking, MRD, Diagnostic Test Management, Reports
Camp Registration, Package
Consultation, 2Patient Information, Rec Investigation set, OD/ED Monitoring Sheet, Intra & Post-Operative, Patient Progress Report
Ovum Pickup, IVF/ICSI, Insemination, Development, EMB Transfer, EMB Freezing, EMB Thawing, Storage Details, Embryology Certificates, Reports
Semen Analysis, Sperm Preparation, Sperm Survival Test, Sperm Freezing, Sperm Thawing, Reports
Female Investigation, Male Investigation, Reports
Admission, Medi History, Bed Mgt, Bed Transfer, Medical Crt, Treat Analysis, Disc Card, Disc Alerts, OT Scheduling, Nursing, Reports
Master, Medicine Sale, Wastage Records, Free Medi, 3 Month Exp Med, Inventory, Indent to Inventory, Reports
Bank Mngt, Billing, Transaction, Inv Payment, Advanced Return, Voucher Gen, Financial Analysis, MIS Statistical, MIS Reports, Graphical Reports, Reports
Egg Donor, Donor Registration, Recipient Registration, Inventory, Finance, Sperm Donor, Donor Registration, Recipient Registration, Inventory, Finance
Intended Parents, IP Registration, Investigation, IP SM, Finance, Surrogate Mother, SM Registration, SM Screening, SM IP, SM Payment